This Privacy Policy describes how Paramount Pictures Australia Pty Ltd (“Paramount”, “we”, “our” and “us”) collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information consistent with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles found in that Act.

By providing us with personal information you are deemed to have accepted the terms of this policy. Please do not provide us with any personal information if you do not agree to the terms of this policy.

What kinds of information do we collect?

The kinds of personal information that Paramount collects and holds include:

  • Name;

  • Age;

  • Contact details, for example, your postal address, e-mail address, telephone number(s).

How do we collect your information?

We generally collect personal information directly from you when you register and provide your information to us via our website ( We need this information to make sure that you can enjoy all the benefits of registration and so that you get the best out of our website. You can unregister at any time by contacting us at the address given below.

We also collect your personal information directly from you when you provide your details by email, or when you communicate with us by phone.

We may also collect information about you in other ways, for example, if you enter a competition on a social networking website.

How do we use your personal information?

Information that we collect about you may be used to send you information about our business, or films or other useful information (for example, newsletters, details of competitions, special offers and promotions and information about latest releases).

When you register with us we will also ask you if you would like to receive information about the products or services of our third party business partners that we think may be of interest to you. We will not send you this information without your consent.

Paramount will not generally disclose your personal information to parties outside of Paramount, other than for a purpose directly related to our activities. For example if you win a competition we will pass your information onto a third party who will arrange delivery of your prize. We will make sure that such third parties keep your information secure and no longer than is necessary.

Remember, if you do not want to receive any more information from us all you have to do is contact us at the address below at any time.

Disclosing your personal information

We will not usually pass your information onto any third parties without your consent. An exception to this is if we need third parties to carry out certain services for us. For example, if you win a competition we will pass your information onto a third party who will arrange delivery of your prize. We will make sure that such third parties keep your information secure and no longer than is necessary.

If our business is sold, your information will be passed to the new owner.

Paramount does not disclose your personal information to any overseas recipient/s.


We have taken steps to ensure that all personally identifiable information that we collect is secure, including limiting the number of people who can access this information and using electronic security systems. You can help by ensuring that you keep your passwords secret and properly log out of our websites if you have been using them.

We will take steps to destroy your personal information when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected.

Access to your personal information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and to request that Paramount corrects that personal information. Paramount will give you access to your personal information, and will take reasonable steps to correct it, if Paramount considers that it is incorrect, unless there is a law that allows or requires us not to.

IIf Paramount refuses to give you access to your personal information, or to correct it, we will notify you in writing and provide you with reasons.

If you would like to access or correct your personal information, please write to us at the address below:

Paramount Pictures Australia Pty Limited
Level 1, 65 Pirrama Road
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the provision of this information.


If you wish to make a complaint to Paramount about how we have handled your personal information, you should forward a written complaint to:

Paramount Pictures Australia Pty Limited
Level 1, 65 Pirrama Road
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

Paramount will respond in writing within 30 days of receipt of a complaint.

If the complaint remains unresolved, you have the option of notifying the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Contact details can be found at OAIC’s website:

Changes to this Policy

From time to time we may make changes to this policy. We will post a notice of the changes together with the updated policy on the website.

Updated April 15, 2015